Adela Pankhurst, born on this day in 1885, was a British suffragette and pacifist who advocated for class-conscious feminism. Pankhurst founded the Communist Party of Australia and, decades later, the fascist "Australia First" movement.
Image: A photo portrait of British-Australian communist Adela Pankhurst, unknown year. Photograph: Col Linley Blathwayt []
Harriette Moore, born on this day in 1902, was a school teacher and civil rights activist who, along with her husband, was murdered by white supremacists after their home was bombed on their 25th wedding anniversary, December 25th, 1951.
Jack Ryan, born on this day in 1938, is a former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent and police officer who was fired in 1987 after refusing to spy on non-violent political activists.
Juneteenth is a U.S. holiday commemorating black emanicipation and power that originates from Galveston, Texas, where, on this day in 1865, Union General Gordon Granger proclaimed all slaves in Texas, more than 250,000 people, to be free.
Image: Protesters march towards the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington on Friday, June 19th, 2020. A banner is displayed, reading "FREEDOM DAY MARCH 2020", another sign reads "ABOLISH THE POLICE" [CNN]
On this day in 1896, nearly 1,000 miners of the Western Federation of Miners (WFM) walked off the job for higher wages, causing a lockout that shut down all mines in the district and the WFM to turn to revolutionary socialist politics.
Image: Colorado National Guardsman at the Emmett Mine in 1896 []
Rafael Vicente, also known as "Subcomandante Marcos", is a Mexican insurgent, former military leader, and spokesman for the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) who was born on this day in 1957.
Image: Subcomandante Marcos smoking a pipe atop a horse in Chiapas, Mexico, 1996. Photo by Jose Villa. [Wikipedia]