PATCO workers on the picket line []
PATCO Strike (1981)Aug 3rd, 1981

On this day in 1981, the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO) declared a strike, seeking better working conditions, better pay, and less hours, resulting in their mass firing and union decertification.

Image: PATCO workers on the picket line []

The "Hand of Timba", erected to commemorate those killed during the Pidjiguiti Massacre []
Pidjiguiti Massacre (1959)Aug 3rd, 1959

On this day in 1959, the Pidjiguiti Massacre occurred when Portuguese police (PIDE) fired on striking dock workers in Bissau, Portuguese Guinea, killing 50 people. The incident led anti-colonial activists (PAIGC) to abandon non-violence.

Image: The "Hand of Timba", erected to commemorate those killed during the Pidjiguiti Massacre []

Roger Casement Executed (1916)Aug 3rd, 1916

Roger Casement was a human rights journalist and Irish revolutionary who was executed on this day in 1916 by the British state for treason after trying to acquire military aid for Irish Republicans before the Easter Rising.